Interview: Spencer Hewitt: '2014 is My Year'
bret caswell
cage warriors
cage warriors 69
spencer hewitt
super saturday
Kingdom MMA talks to Spencer Hewitt ahead of his bout with Brett Caswell
by Ben Heather - @benheather
On June the 7th, flyweight Spencer Hewitt will take on Brett Caswell on the biggest domestic fight card this year, if not ever - Cage Warriors 69 dubbed 'Super Saturday'. A blackbelt in BJJ, Hewitt, a former UCMMA champion faces arguably the toughest grappler of is career in Brett Caswell, a high-level Judo black belt who was a Commonwealth Judo Champion, as well as British Judo Champion before starting his Career in MMA.
Just two days away from jetting off to finish his training camp at Team Alpha Male in California we spoke to Spencer Hewitt about his upcoming fight with Brett Caswell at Cage Warriors 69.
Heather: You leave for Team Alpha Male on Saturday, can you tell us how long you are going for and what has prompted you to head over to The States?
Hewitt: The reason I'm going is I need to go out of my comfort zone. I want to train with the best fighters in the world to develop as a martial artist.
Will this be the first time you go to The States to train as part of a fight camp?
Yes, I've trained and competed in BJJ in The States, I also went to The Ultimate Fighter trials but never trained MMA there.
What are you hoping to gain from your time at Team Alpha Male?
New skills and knowledge to improve in all aspects of MMA,ready for Cage Warriors 69, Super Saturday
You put to bed a tough stretch of 4 losses in a row when you defeated Cameron Else at CW64. Looking back on those loses have you identified where you were going wrong?
Yes, I was chasing the win. I was over training and was fighting when I should have been taking time out to get over an operation and injures in that last year. During the fight against Else it was clear to everyone that he gassed in the fight.
Would you say that you played it safe and cruised to make sure you got the Win?
Yes, I was in control and want to get my first win on Cage Warriors. I wanted to start 2014 with the Win.
Now the losing streak is over and you are back to winning ways what can the fans expect from yourself in London on June 7th?
You are going to see very different fighter - confident, creative and exciting - 2014 is my year.
You've had a couple of fights in Cage Warriors where you opponents have missed weight, with that in mind are you pleased to see Cage Warriors increase the penalty for missing weight?
Yes if you can't make weight it means you not really that weight class. The reason there is weight class is to make it a fair playing field and for safety.
How does it feel to be part of Super Saturday? The event which is possibly the biggest event ever in UK MMA.
I'm honoured to be part of Super Saturday. The Card is stacked, and the best fight in Europe are on this card. Graham and Ian Dean have put on another great card and it's in London which makes it more fun. Love the support of my fans in London.
Cage Warriors recently announced that they have signed a contract with channel 4. This is a massive deal for Cage Warriors and UK MMA as a whole. What are your thoughts on the new TV deal and how happy are you that people in the UK will now get the chance to see your fights on channel 4?
It amazing and will grow the sport in the UK. Cage Warriors are growing MMA in the UK and Europe and it give us UK fighters more exposure.
Your fight with Brett Caswell will be the 4th of your 5 fight contract with Cage Warriors, does that put extra pressure on your shoulders going into this fight? Do you feel you need to show a little extra or win impressively to stake a claim on a new contract?
I always want to win impressively and I'm staying on Cage Warriors. I love the show and production. I will win my next 2 fights and keep my future at Cage Warriors.
With Brett being a high level Judoka and yourself a BJJ blackbelt, can fans look forward to an exciting grappling match on June 7th?
Yes maybe there will be some exciting grappling exchanges. I have been training with some high-level guys who expertise are judo. I am a complete MMA fighter you will see all aspects from me.
How do you see yourself winning the fight on June 7th?
Submission or KO win for me
Would you like to thank anyone or any sponsors?
Lee Pearman at Bureaulogic Recruitment for the support and making America happen, Go-Recycle, Criteria Cleaning Services, Chris, my manager at Elite MMA Agency, my amazing wife - Beelia Hewitt, mother in law - Bernie Byron, all my coaches, The Origin MMA Academy, the MMA Academy Liverpool when I go down there they always welcome me, Team Alpha Male for having me, all the MMA fans, Cage Warriors and Ian Dean, Graham Boylan, and a major thanks to Ross Hewitt - boxing, Marc Walder - BJJ, Peter - wrestling Jez lord - Thai boxing
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